Embarking on a career transition can be more challenging than initially anticipated, demanding careful consideration and dedication. Here, we present a concise guide to help you confidently navigate this journey.
Transitioning Careers Takes Time
While you work towards your dream role, consider these steps to build knowledge and clarity.
Critically Evaluate Your Experience
Key considerations may include.
Knowing What’s Material to an Organisation
You may be passionate about renewable energy, climate change or nature-based solutions but understanding how material these areas are to an individual organisation can help steer your job search.
Things to consider:
How Convincing Is Your Narrative?
If you secure a job interview pre-test your pitch with a mentor or others who already work in the space, things to consider include:
Networks and Knowledge
Knowing how to recommend how an organisation achieves their sustainability goals takes time and experience in the field. The best sustainability professionals religiously do the following: